Wordful Wednesday: Fruity Badness

So, the baby’s really branching out with the table food, so I offered him some of my unsweetened blueberry applesauce the other day. I wish I had gotten a better shot of his grimacing. He loves baby food peaches, which are very tart, so I thought he’d love this. He did not. “Mom…this applesauce…it’s not …

Wordful Wednesday: Up and Down

I just had the craziest up-and-down time trying to get our little Bonus Baby to sleep. It was actually a pretty funny experience; funny enough that I sat down to blog about it after he finally zonked out. But as the story developed, it grew into the 700 words I’m allowed in my Sunday column. …

Wordful Wednesday: The Baby Buffet

Jonah’s dinner one night… Baby food peas with a spoonful of jarred ham mixed in, a dish of peaches, oatmeal with vanilla yogurt and cinnamon, and a cup of water. In addition, he had a MumMum’s rice cracker in one hand, and a mesh feeder of chopped red grapes in the other. Take a bite …

Wordful Wednesday: These Eyes

My husband loves taking up-close pictures of eyes. He’s always had this thing for eyes. Back when we were in art school, and for years after, he always doodled these cartoonish eyes. They looked quite cool. Too bad I don’t have a photo of one to share. Anyway, he took pictures of the boys’ eyes …