Wordful Wednesday: These Eyes

My husband loves taking up-close pictures of eyes.

He’s always had this thing for eyes. Back when we were in art school, and for years after, he always doodled these cartoonish eyes. They looked quite cool. Too bad I don’t have a photo of one to share.

Anyway, he took pictures of the boys’ eyes last week and I’d like to share them.

Zachary has brown eyes so dark, they are nearly black. No one in our extended family has eyes as dark as his.

Eli’s eye. It looks brown, but his eyes are a dark slate gray. They used to be a little bluer, more like mine. But now they’re a warmer shade of gray.

And Jonah’s. He’s our blue-eyed boy. They’re definitely a grayish-blue, like mine, but much paler and bluer.

I love my handsome guys and their handsome eyes!

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8 replies on “Wordful Wednesday: These Eyes”

  1. What great shots!! My husband loves close up shots as well, so we got one of my oldest son who looks just like my husband but with brown eyes like me, and one of my youngest son who looks just like me with blue eyes like my husband! So fun!

  2. Awww cx I love photography and my fave thing is eye shots, i love the distinctivity of them all ^.^

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