Finally Finalizing

May is a good month for my family. In May 2014, this happened: And now, FOUR years, four attorneys, a couple of home studies and enough Ugandan paperwork to reach the peak of Mt. Stanley LATER… We finally, finally have our court date to finalize our daughter’s adoption! None of us ever expected it to take …

Memorial Stones

In the Old Testament of the Bible, people were encouraged to make memorials at places where God did miraculous things. Often, these were made of stone and meant to be permanent reminders for future generations of what God had done in that place. I think we are wise to create similar memorials in our own lives, whether …

The Truth About Chronic Illness

A friend announced on social media this week that she has cancer. She prefaced her post by saying “I’m not sharing this for pity or sympathy, but to ask for prayer.” It bothered me that she even had to include that disclaimer. Have we become so insensitive to the sufferings of others that we’d assume …

Why My Teens Can’t Get a Job

I’m venting tonight because I can, and because I know that I am not the only parent who has dealt with this particular set of problems. You know what makes my blood boil? Teenagers who beg you to let them get a job somewhere, but then only halfway do their work around the house. (Don’t …