God Remembered

I know that I am totally, completely biased, but I think that is one good-looking kid I’ve got there.

I won’t be able to call him a “kid” for much longer. In three short months, he becomes a teenager, and I still don’t know where the time went. When I saw this picture of him amongst our Halloween photos, I was stunned for a moment. When you see someone every day, you don’t always notice the changes in them. Then you see a picture and it’s like, wow! He’s really grown up! This picture did that to me.

My Zachary. A Hebrew name that means “God has remembered.” My firstborn; God’s blessed answer to seven years of Hannah-like prayers to overcome my barrenness. A name we chose in the midst of our pain, knowing that a son would indeed be proof that God had remembered the hours we spent on our faces, crying out to Him to fulfill the longing of our hearts.

“He gives childless couples a family, gives them joy as the parents of children.” ~Psalm 113:9, The Message

Now I’m living that joy I used to only dream of, at home, even homeschooling, three amazing boys. When I look at their faces, I am amazed by these blessings. I thank God for that horrible, bleak, barren season of life because when times get tough, I can remember it and know, without an ounce of doubt, that God is good.

The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous,

and his ears are attentive to their cry…

The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them;

he delivers them from all their troubles.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted

and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

~Psalm 34: 15, 17, 18, NIV

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6 replies on “God Remembered”

  1. AMEN Kari!!!! Amen! I remember traveling the road of newly pg with you 🙂 And my eldest will be 13 in just TWO short months. I was literally up at 1am this morning, crying over it. lol I do not know where time has gone but what a blessing this post is! God sure is good to us!

    1. Oh, Karen—I know. I am in tears now, too, remembering both of us back then. God is so good to us.

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