On Babies Ruining Bodies

As the new year has arrived, everyone’s thoughts are turning (as they usually do) to fitness and dieting and exercise. I’m beginning to lose count of the number of people I’ve seen sharing this post on Facebook, about how having a baby means that you’ll never have your pre-baby body back again. It’s a sweet …

Weight Loss Wednesday: Where’s the Wagon?

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “fallen off the wagon” to describe someone who’s relapsed into bad habits. When they start back on the right path, we say they’re “back on the wagon.” So you can guess what it means that I’m sitting here in the dust, between the wagon ruts, looking around the grassy …

Something New: Weight Loss Wednesday

Though I love my friend, Alicia, I have not wanted to join in on her Weight Loss Wednesday posts. Because dieting and me? We don’t get along — a fact that is blatantly obvious, is it not? Actually, I’m afraid she’ll delete my entry because when I think about dieting, my first thought is not …

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 New Year’s Intentions

I can’t call them resolutions. I just can’t. For previously, I have left too many resolutions, unresolved, resulting in an inclination not to make resolutions. But what is January without a few goals thrown out there for good measure? Here are my top ten intentions, inclinations, wishes, pipe-dreams — whatever you want to call them …

Friday Fill-Ins

“They’re cutting me WHERE?!?” Just look at that little face… Before I write anything more, please remember my sweet baby Jonah in your prayers today, as he is having hernia surgery. Maybe remember me, too, because Mommy is fresh out of Xanax. Not that I ever had any, but I hear it’s nice stuff to …