Friday Fill-Ins

“They’re cutting me WHERE?!?”

Just look at that little face…

Before I write anything more, please remember my sweet baby Jonah in your prayers today, as he is having hernia surgery. Maybe remember me, too, because Mommy is fresh out of Xanax. Not that I ever had any, but I hear it’s nice stuff to have on hand when you’re letting someone anesthetize and cut into your precious little baby. Thanks!

Now on to the questions…

1. Where are my sunglasses and my cell phone?? (I am always, always misplacing these…)

2. If wishes were horses they’d be little sparkly pink ponies with wings!

3. I’d like to see the movie “The Blind Side”. Everyone’s seen it but me, and they all said it’s great!

4. When I was a teen, I thought I’d never be as heavy as I am now. Whenever I see a teenager making fun of an overweight person, I want to say, “Just wait, kiddo. That absolutely could be you one day. And I never thought it would be me, either.” (Thanks, PCOS!)

5. One of my mother’s favorite sayings was “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk free?”

6. I’d have a hard time doing without my family. Holy cow, I love my crazy bunch of boys!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to cuddling my sweet baby after his surgery, tomorrow my plans include making a lasagna if Jonah feels well enough for me to put him down, and Sunday, I want to chill out with my family at home!

For more Friday Fill-ins, please click HERE!

4 replies on “Friday Fill-Ins”

  1. I hope the surgery goes well. My son’s best friend will need to have it too.

  2. I’m visiting from Friday Fill Ins…and as the mom of a newbie (he’s ONE MONTH today), I can’t imagine the internal angst you must be feeling. I will DEFINITELY say a little prayer for your little man today.

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