Why My Teens Can’t Get a Job

I’m venting tonight because I can, and because I know that I am not the only parent who has dealt with this particular set of problems. You know what makes my blood boil? Teenagers who beg you to let them get a job somewhere, but then only halfway do their work around the house. (Don’t …

Fed up with selfishness

I reached a breaking point today over selfish behavior, and I’m still not over it. I vented on Facebook this morning… “Been awake since midnight, my heart heavy over pain inflicted on loved ones by the utterly foolish, selfish acts of others. It’s just too much to write about here, but y’all…can we just be …

Debating the Debate

My husband is 100% sure he’s watching Clinton and Trump debate tonight, but I’m slow to commit. I think it might be more enjoyable to clean the hair out of the bathtub drain, strand-by-strand with a pair of tweezers. This whole election cycle has felt particularly exhausting. I honestly don’t feel like listening to Trump …

A Cup Of Aggravation

You’ll never convince me that fast food employees deserve $15 an hour. Why? Because interactions like the following are not even remotely rare in my town. Wendy’s is offering their small Frosty for 50 cents at the moment. Money is squeaky-tight, it’s hot as Hades out, and Tuesday is the one day that all three …

My Day in Traffic Court

It was a hurry-scurry morning when I was running late last December. Flying from food co-op pickup to volunteer at my little boy’s school wasn’t a good time to discover the railroad tracks were being replaced at the single crossing I was familiar with there in the booming metropolis of “Podunkville”, Georgia. Dismayed, I followed …