Drying Cloth Diapers

So, I basically never blog twice in one day, but this was pretty cool and deserved to be shared (and Pinned on Pinterest!). I got this idea online and gave it a try today. Instead of using clothespins, just turn the diaper inside out (so that the lining benefits from the bleaching and deodorizing properties …

All Things Old are New Again

My grandmother would be so proud. My dear Donnie put up a clothesline! I’ve been wanting one for a while, if for no other reason than to take colorful pics like this: I love the “cha-ching!” ringing in my mind over the money we’ll save on electricity.  Of course, here in the south, not using …

Top Ten Tuesday: My Firsts

I am tired this week, fighting the cold that my still-snotty-and-coughing Jonah gave me, and dealing with a 9-year-old with a sprained ankle. Creativity is feeling a bit sparse,  so I am swiping Amanda’s fun theme from last week: My Firsts! 1. First Car A white 1983 Ford Escort with orange and red racing stripes …

SOOC Saturday: Jonah and the Whale

Jonah was wearing my favorite cloth diaper cover yesterday, so I tried to snap some pics of him wearing it. It’s a WiggleWormBottoms diaper cover, and the name sure suits my wiggle worm, as you can see in these pics. I thought it would be cute to try to capture him sitting next to the …