Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Totally Random Things

THIS is this week’s Top Ten Tuesday post! I tricked you with Sunday’s column, didn’t I?

Top Ten Tuesday’s host, Amanda, challenged us to post a vlog this week. I wanted to, but makeup isn’t on today’s agenda, and I didn’t want my scary face to send anyone into a coronary. However, if I can figure it out, I’m going to post a video of my two youngest monkeys at the end of this post.

Now, ten totally random thoughts and pictures…

1. I don’t understand some of the pics I’ve seen on Facebook this week, with toddlers playing on the beach along the Gulf. One was squeezing a tar ball that washed up from the oil spill, and another was splashing around in some “mystery foam” that washes ashore before the actual oil slick. Maybe I’m a Paranoid Paula, but immersing a toddler into that toxic brew doesn’t seem like the greatest of all parenting choices, ya know?

2. I wonder if BP will be prepared for the onslaught of lawsuits when said toddlers begin to sprout third eyeballs?

3, 4, 5. On a happier note, laundry’s done!

6. My handsome Zach got new eyeglasses yesterday.

7, 8. So did his father. I thought Zach and Donnie got the same style of glasses, but Donnie showed me all the ways they are different. I still think they look the same! (Don’t tell either of them I said that!) You can see his spectacular spectacles as he peeks around Jonah, who is modeling his Atlanta Braves Chipper Jones shirt. What’s cute is that one of Jonah’s nicknames is “Jones.” I think he will always have to have a “Jones 10” shirt in his wardrobe!

9. My 8 y.o., Eli, must be going through a growth spurt or something, because the child is eating me out of house and home. Everyone warned me that boys can eat more than a mother can imagine. They were not kidding!

And 10, hopefully this will work…

Two Monkeys Monkeying Around from Kari Apted on Vimeo.

For more Top Ten Tuesday posts, click on Amanda’s name above!

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