SOOC Saturday on a Sunday

I always have trouble keeping this to just one shot… (grins sheepisly).

It’s the end of our school year. I’m officially the mom of a 7th grader and 3rd grader now. WOW how time flies!

Here are the boys with their Certificates of Completion for 6th and 2nd grade:

And Saturday morning, when Dad made pancakes for breakfast, he made a 3 for Eli and a 7 for Zach . Too cute!

Zach’s expression totally cracks me up! I think he was trying to hide the fact that he’d already bitten off the end of his “7”.

And not to leave Jonah out, a picture from one of our school days last week, where I entertained him by giving him Eli’s discarded word strips:

What? Do I have something on my mouth?

More SOOC pics:  Slurping Life

5 replies on “SOOC Saturday on a Sunday”

  1. Love the pix
    Regarding your question :This one is actually the Blue Mist inn of TN – which I called the Blue Willow Inn by mistake ( because the one in Georgia which I also love- best Dinner buffet ever )

    1. Ah, thanks for clarifying! Yes, the one here in GA is great–our writers group tries to go there together at least once a year. 🙂

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