Thankful Thursday

It’s the wee hours of Thursday morning, and I am so tired. Wednesday was a crazy day, and it’s taken a while to decompress. All I can think about is how thankful I am to have three sons who are great sleepers, and that fluffy, cushy, warmed-by-my-husband bed that’s calling my name right now.

How easy it is to take for granted the blessing of having a safe and comfortable place to sleep, and a loving husband to curl up with. But tonight, I am truly thankful.

And on that note, I’m outta here.


For more Thankful Thursday posts, visit Lynn.

2 replies on “Thankful Thursday”

  1. Welll..maybe 3rd times a charm. I keep hitting the wrong button & my comment goes away. Ack!

    But I completely agree with you my friend! We are so incredibly blessed. May we never take the little things for granted!

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