On Gratitude

My poor blog. It’s been a bit neglected lately. Poor little ol’ neglected blog…nobody loves her. LOL It’s been an interesting week of…hmm…let’s call it “growth.” If you’ve ever prayed for patience, you know what I mean: you ask God to make you a more patient person, and almost immediately everyone starts jumping on your …

Thankful Thursday: Bad Things

“Bad stuff wakes you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to.” Today I’m thankful for all the pain in life. Odd thing to be grateful for, isn’t it? But the above quote sums it up: we don’t always appreciate what we have until we’re reminded of how things could be. I’m grateful …

Thankful Thursday: Vacation

There’s only one thing on my mind today, and that is my upcoming vacation. I can’t wait until this humid, hazy and hot Georgia weather is replaced by this: And the view outside my window becomes this: Equally hot? Yes, according to the thermometer. But it doesn’t feel as hot with the constant ocean breeze. …

Thankful Thursday

One of the first things on my mind today is thankfulness that my dear husband is finally being given the chance to put his amazing IT skills to work at his job. After years of being the unofficial tech support for everyone in his building, they are finally recognizing that he rocks at this and …