Finally Finalizing

May is a good month for my family. In May 2014, this happened: And now, FOUR years, four attorneys, a couple of home studies and enough Ugandan paperwork to reach the peak of Mt. Stanley LATER… We finally, finally have our court date to finalize our daughter’s adoption! None of us ever expected it to take …

National Adoption Month: Aging Out

I just watched this video, and I hope you will, too. And then join me in praying for forgiveness. We have no excuses, y’all. Usually I’m preaching at the church, because as a Christian, I believe that if the church were living the way Jesus told us to, things like foster care systems wouldn’t need …

What I Didn’t Know About Uganda

You’re not supposed to live in American abundance and miss a third-world country, are you? But oh, Uganda–how I miss you. If you followed our 2014 journey there to adopt our daughter, Violet, you’re probably snickering because you still remember all my whining and bellyaching over how homesick I was. No doubt, I experienced moments …