Crying a River

I’m quite certain I’ve cried more over the past month than I have in the last ten years, combined. (I’m predicting a real good year for Kleenex stockholders.) I haven’t talked a lot on this blog about our impending adoption of an older girl from Uganda. I touched on it here and there, but all …

Sunny Cold Sadness

I haven’t said much on this blog about our adoption plans, but very soon, I’ll be traveling to Uganda to (God willing!) bring home the sweetest school-aged girl.  I haven’t wanted to link our adoption blog with this one, because of privacy concerns. But if you know us, and you’re interested in following it, leave …

A Brave and Lonely Boy

Sometimes I miss writing my newspaper column. It gave me a good reason to put each week’s thoughts on paper and it generated some often-therapeutic conversations with others over current events. Now, I’m not daft — I understand that’s also the purpose of having a blog! But as you can see, without a deadline looming …