Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Recent Ups and Downs


1. Getting all my Halloween decorations put up. I love this time of year! (Pictures coming soon!)


2. Not being able to find my favorite window clings, which include this picture that reminds me of my older sister—nicknamed “Fluff.” She is the ultimate girly-girl and my younger sister and I laugh and squeal “Trick or Treat!” every time we see this.


3. Coloring Halloween pictures in a Charlie Brown Great Pumpkin coloring book with Eli and my sister. Yeah, it doesn’t take much to make me happy.


4. Knowing I should’ve been cleaning house instead of coloring, because living in this chaos is making me CRAZY!


5. Enjoying getting to know some new friends at an awesome homeschooling group we just started going to this year.


6. Surprise visit from a sadly dysfunctional relative who has no sense of boundaries and thinks that he can use and abuse people, indefinitely, with no consequence.  Needless to say, it opens all sorts of moral and religious conundrums when he shows up.


7. Finding some awesome deals on fall clothing for me on !


8. Poor baby Jonah coming down with an awful head cold. It should be illegal for little babies to get sick. They are so pathetic when they’re ill and there’s only so much a mom can do to make it better.


9. The gallon of snot he smeared all over my favorite chocolate brown shirt came out in the wash. Yay!


10. I caught Jonah’s cold. Sniffle. Snort. Sneeze—ACHOO!

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