The Truth about St. Nick


Please take a moment to go visit my friend Alicia today and read this blog post about a book I can’t wait to read on the real story of the life of Saint Nicholas.

I, too, have been reluctant through the years to include a lot of Santa-themed activities into our Christmas celebration, in an effort to remain honest with my children and focus on the birth of Christ.

But jolly ol’ Saint Nicholas is not the evil guy many evangelicals make him out to be.

Check out the link above, then consider buying the book from Matthew. Personally, I’m looking forward to payday so I can get a copy of my own! (Not that it’s that expensive! It’s just that my own Santa-giving has left me broker than broke! LOL)

One reply on “The Truth about St. Nick”

  1. Thanks friend! We started reading the bok this week and we are loving it. I think your boys will enjoy it.. You really get to know Nicholas. It makes me appreciate what he really did do.

    Hope you guys are doing well!

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