Christmas Portraits 2004

This was definitely one of my favorite Christmas portrait shoots. My friend Doris had a new camera and offered to try it out on the boys. How could I resist when Eli had such a charming outfit to model?

Of course, getting little boys to pose properly is never an easy task…

But we finally did get one usable shot…

Then Doris gave the kids some bubblegum and Eli ripped that sweater off, resulting in this gummy, untucked grin:

And then had to see if his bellybutton was still under there…

One reply on “Christmas Portraits 2004”

  1. Seems like that was yesterday – It has actually been about 6 years!! Where has time gone? That was a fun night – had to bribe Eli with the gum to get these photos. I sure do love my Apted Boys!!!
    Merry Christmas!

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