Thankful Thursday: Vacation

There’s only one thing on my mind today, and that is my upcoming vacation.

I can’t wait until this humid, hazy and hot Georgia weather is replaced by this:

And the view outside my window becomes this:

Equally hot? Yes, according to the thermometer. But it doesn’t feel as hot with the constant ocean breeze.

I miss that feeling of the wind in my hair, that constant roar of the sea and wind, feeling with every pore of my being the power of God’s creation. It’s been too long since I felt it. I can’t wait to see how Jonah reacts to his first view of the ocean, his first splash in the swirling water, his first time digging his toes into warm sand.

I am thankful that we are not vacationing along the Gulf Coast, where the oil spill is damaging beaches everywhere. My heart goes out to those who are being affected by it.

I think I’m going to make it an “ugly” vacation, meaning that unless we’re going somewhere special, I am not going to worry about my makeup and my hair. Thinking about those things is just another thing to do, and my goal for this vacation is to do as little as possible. So, sorry kids and hubby—and whoever else has to look at me. I’m just going to be fat and happy for a few days. I hope you understand.

I am so thankful that soon, there will be no deadlines to meet, no housework looming over me like a permanent black cloud, no appointments to make and to keep. Just free-flowing days, with freedom to play—and hopefully, lots of sleep!

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One reply on “Thankful Thursday: Vacation”

  1. There is something about an ocean breeze that is so restorative. Have a beautiful vacation!

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