
I was absolutely thrilled Monday to find an awesome deal on a train table. I’d wanted to get Jonah one for Christmas, but couldn’t find any good enough deals at that time.

And since I can stretch a dollar til’ it screams, I wasn’t going to buy one until I found a REALLY deep discount. If it had to wait, so be it.

So, here is what we got, complete with tons of trains, tracks, bridges and other accessories (only a few are shown in this pic) AND a storage bench —

All for $30. Thirty dollars! I was floored. Thank you, Lord!

For right now, it’s still in the living room, but by the weekend, will be in Jonah’s room.

So he has all these cool trains, all this fun stuff to play with, but what has he latched on to?

Two little wooden signs.

They are suddenly his best friends. He carries them everywhere. He tries to pick up other things while still holding onto them.

I had to pry them out of his tight little fists to put him to bed last night. He was not happy about that, but I knew I wouldn’t be happy if he rolled over onto one in the night and it woke him up.

The first thing he did this morning was go find his signs. He tried to eat breakfast while holding them.

It’s about as bad as the kid who plays with the box instead of the toy inside…

Oh well. Whatever makes him happy!

2 replies on “Signs”

  1. Well, after yesterday (and today), I’m thinking of getting B. a box of trash bags for her birthday. 😉 Did you read the story about her bag named Gerald yesterday on FB? I hope so. Otherwise, this makes no sense at all. LOL

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