Saturday Nine

Haven’t done one of these in a while.

(Can you tell I’m procrastinating on a project?) LOL

But first, a pic from my files, because what fun is a blog post without pictures?

That’s my cutie-pie Zach when he was about two. I am still in denial that he is >THIS< close to turning 14!

Now, on to the questions…

1. How did you cope with your biggest heartache?

By writing about it, and by talking with (and looking for opportunities to help) others experiencing the same.

2. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?

It’s been so long, I don’t remember. I’m thinking it might actually be my grandmother, who passed away in August 2010!

3. How many jobs have you held in your life? How many of those were part of your chosen career field?

I am not up to counting how many jobs I’ve had — but there are a lot! Starting with Dairy Queen at age 16, to now, freelance writing from home and also doing face painting and cake decorating for birthday parties. My chosen career field was graphic design, and I do still use my art degree to some extent. But I only held two “official” graphic arts positions — one as a graphic artist in an in-house agency in Kissimmee, Florida and the other as an art director at a small sign company in Georgia.

4. How did you discover Saturday 9?

By searching Google for Saturday-themed memes.

5. If you could take the train from anywhere to anywhere, where would ‘anywhere’ be?

From here to San Francisco for a little vacation.

6. When was the first time you cooked for someone else?

I remember cooking for my family when I was about nine or ten. I remember the stove top being at chest level as I did so!

7. What is the worst beverage you’ve ever tasted?

Ooh, just one? I can’t decide on just one. Weak coffee or tea. Mint tea. Malta. That cucumber-flavored Thai version of Coke that they serve at the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta.

8. Is there anything in life you are “certain” about? Firm in your beliefs? Strong in your convictions?

There are so many things I’m certain about. God loves us all. He has a plan for my life and works all things together for my ultimate good. Salvation comes through belief in Christ. Caring for orphans and widows is everyone’s responsibility. Liberal political policies that appear to help ultimately cause more harm than good. And I should probably just stop because I’m an opinionated ol’ girl and feel quite certain about a whole lotta things!

9. Do you know anyone who has as very unusual pet?

Yes, several. More power to ’em! Nothing in the rodent/insect/reptile/amphibian categories will ever be called a pet in my house. (Sorry, kids — I just can’t do it!)

How ’bout we close with another picture of my cutie from that day at the park?


Saturday Nine can be found HERE!