My New Do

Oh, it’s been ages since I had a real haircut! The high-risk pregnancy, the husband’s unpaid furlough days at work, the adjustment to new motherhood again—all of it combined has meant that it’s been over a year since I had a real hair cut and coloring.

I am not by any means a trained cosmetologist, so a year of DIY coloring and trims had left me with a messy, heavy mop of frizz on my head. So it felt FABULOUS to go see my dear hairdresser Becky again today and let her work her magic.

I swear I feel ten pounds lighter!

The BEFORE pic:


I love it!!!

6 replies on “My New Do”

    1. Thanks, Alicia! Everything’s going fine…hope all is beautiful in your world! (And that your roasted chicken came out OK!)

    1. Thanks, chickie! SO glad to know you’re safe and sound and not sitting in a hospital in London! LOL

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