Funny Friday

I’m having a very Monday-flavored Friday, so I thought I’d post a couple of recent happenings to remind me to laugh at life. Ironically, I just got off the phone with someone who asked me if I had any funny stories to share about life with boys. This person was clearly not aware of my six years of column-writing (see “Column” tab above). I know I can complain about life in this “House of Blue” but one thing is for certain — I am never short of moments that make me laugh!

First…we needed to get one good, head-on shot of Jonah smiling for a Mother’s Day gift.

Twenty camera-clicks later, we gave up. But this collage shows some of the pics we captured. It’s worth clicking to see it bigger!

Photographing boys is a lot like herding cats. Although we did get one good shot, the big one at the bottom. It didn’t work for the project I was doing, but it was priceless, nonetheless.

Especially when I edited it in black-and-white…

Which reminds me of this graphic I’ve been seeing on Facebook:

In other news, Eli cracked me up when one of his molars came out the other night.

It was late, and he brought me the tooth in a ziplock baggie.

“Look, mom –I know you’re tired, I’m tired. Let’s just forget this whole ‘tooth fairy’ thing and take care of it right now. That way, you don’t have to worry about digging around under my pillow, and maybe hurting your feet on some Legos trying to get to the bed.” And then he handed me my wallet.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I forked over two dollars (one for the last tooth he lost, when the “tooth fairy” forgot to show up…don’t judge me…you know you’ve forgotten at least once, too!).

“Nice doing business with ya, son,” I said.

“Nice doing business with you!” he replied, and pocketed his money, smiling.

You just never know what’s going to happen around here next. But they usually share a common theme.

Earlier, Zach went to put on his shoe and felt something strange inside it.

He fished out my old iPhone. Gee, wonder how that got there, JONAH???

I also just went into the bedroom and found the ONE deodorant that doesn’t cause me to scratch my pits like a flea-infested chimp, crumbled all over the floor.

Wonder how that happened, JONAH???

I don’t even want to ask why there’s a dirty fork on the bathroom floor….