Friday Fill-ins

Yes, it’s once again time for another episode of FFI and a fun picture from Anne Taintor, vintage humorist extraordinaire!

1. One of my favorite birthday presents was handmade cards from my kids. So precious!

2. Growing up was easier when I was a child, it was as simple as that.

3. The moon is full and probably does affect people in odd ways. I’ve had my doubts, but teachers, nurses, obstetricians and counselors all say it’s true.

4. A good day for me includes fresh coffee, perfectly-behaved children and adequate sleep. Most days I’m just really thankful for the coffee! (HA!)

5. I was tempted by a milkshake the other night. But I wasn’t hungry, so I refused. Yay me! LOL

6. Sleeping, reading, relaxing, and dining out are some of the things I like to do on vacation.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to swimming with the family, tomorrow my plans include grocery shopping, Father’s Day shopping, and lots of cooking prep and Sunday, I want to go to church, finish my cooking, then enjoy celebrating two of the best dads on the planet: my father and my husband!