Wild Child

I told Donnie last night that it’s probably a good thing we stopped procreating, because each of our kids has been a little crazier than the last.

My youngest has decided that he hates clothes. Even diapers. Neither of my other two were heavy-duty strippers, though my middle boy, Eli, sure enjoys going shirtless. But Jonah? It’s not enough to take him down to just a diaper. I caught him earlier walking around with his wiener sticking out of the top of his diaper—and sure enough, discovered that he’d peed a river across the kitchen floor.

So I decided to put one of his snapping, toddler-proof cloth diapers on and he was NOT happy. He tried so hard to pry it off his body, to no avail. I’m thinking we need to start introducing him to the potty. And it would probably be good to dress him in snap-crotch onesies for a while, at least until this stripping phase passes.

And let’s hope it does!

2 replies on “Wild Child”

  1. Oh, I’m so sorry! Thank you for letting us laugh with you. 🙂 With my 3 kids, it was the exact opposite in wildness. My husband promised me “30% less wookalar” (“Spies Like Us” movie reference) with each pregnancy, and he somehow made good on that promise. 😉 He still occasionally mentions it, which I think is hilarious at this point…

    1. LOL! How funny that your kids have been the opposite. God probably knew it wouldn’t work for mine to have been that way; I’d have kept having kids til I was 50! LOL

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