When Devil Dogs Attack

This is how Rachael Ray’s “Devil Dogs” recipe is supposed to be made:

-4 low fat turkey hot dogs
-1 tbsp. butter
-1 tbsp. Tabasco sauce (we use garlic Tabasco)

Melt butter and Tabasco over medium heat in nonstick frying pan. Saute hot dogs until browned. Serve on buns with chili and condiments.

Nice, easy recipe, right?

Well, Donnie made these for lunch today. But instead of allowing the Tabasco to gradually melt with the butter, he splashed it on at the very end. If you’ve ever added cold liquid to a hot frying pan you know what happens. Lots of steam, right?

Donnie started coughing and said his nose was burning. When I walked into the kitchen I started coughing, too. Then I saw that he had accidentally used the habanero Tabasco instead of the mild garlic hot sauce!

Habanero pepper steam bears a striking resemblance to tear gas.

The end product was rather tasty, though. And hey, my sinus headache is gone!