Well, it matches my house

Methinks I need to get Mr. Webmaster Donnie to delete this Christmas layout and get a new design up, soon.

Wish me luck. Because I’ve also been unsuccessful in getting him to bring the Christmas storage boxes down from the attic so we can finish un-decorating the house. He’s a great guy, but doesn’t share my drive to stay on top of superficial things like this. And I don’t want to nag

Let’s just hope it’s all done by Valentine’s Day, eh?

~*~*~*~*UPDATE (1/11/10)–I changed the layout myself! Wow, don’t I feel smart??? 🙂

~*~*~*~*UPDATE (1/14/10)–And all the Christmas decorations have finally been put away. Only took two weeks to do it all. Praise the Lord it is finished!