Top Ten Tuesday: Best Things I’ve Eaten Recently

I had to swipe  Top Ten Tuesday host Amanda’s topic for this week’s list. It was just too fun not to! 🙂

1. Emerald Dark Chocolate Cocoa Roast Almonds. Woo-whee…discovered these yesterday. One of my favorite flavor combinations is chocolate with almonds, and these are a healthier way of getting my fix.

2. Dole Gold Pineapple. Bought one a few weeks ago to make a Spongebob House for Eli’s 8th birthday:

And it was so good, I had to buy another one as soon as we’d eaten it all. And another is on this week’s shopping list.

3. Gold pineapple, cut into chunks, with sliced fresh strawberries, vanilla yogurt and coconut. My new favorite breakfast.

4. Key Lime Pie sample at Publix. Their bakery makes the best key lime pies, ever. And they were giving out samples yesterday. Oh my. If I hadn’t had four boys with me (yes, four…my three plus one of their friends. That is a blog post all its own!) I’d have been like that commercial where the guy keeps putting on different disguises to go back for more samples. Darn those kids!

5. My mom’s green beans on Easter. Heavenly southern cuisine at its finest. She cooks them in a pressure cooker with bacon, and the smoky flavor infuses into every tiny cell in those green beans. Paula Deen ain’t got nothing on my mama when it comes to green beans! I could happily eat a bowlful for dinner, and nothing else.

6. Picadilly Carrot Soufflé, also eaten on Easter Sunday.

7. Chick-fil-a sandwich. Haven’t had one in a while; it was so good!

8. Pan-fried ham. My 8 y.o. Eli calls it ham bacon. Every time we fry leftover ham, I wonder why we ever eat it any other way?

9. Friday night, I made an amazing, homemade Chicken Spinach Alfredo Pizza. My sister said, “OMG…this tastes like something you’d get in a restaurant!” It was pretty darn good, if I say so myself.

10. And finally, let’s all pause for a moment of silence in remembrance of my last cup of coffee with Coffee Mate’s Pumpkin Spice Creamer. It went on clearance after the holidays, and didn’t expire until late April, so I stocked up on the stuff. Alas, I poured the last ounce from my last bottle yesterday. Farewell until next fall, my friend.

2 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday: Best Things I’ve Eaten Recently”

  1. oooh cocoa roasted almonds. yum. Hersheys used to have a cocoa coated chocolate covered almond and it was honestly one of the best things I have ever eaten. sadly I haven’t been able to find them for the past year or two but I still check wherever I go 🙂

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