There Goes the Neighborhood


This picture is an accurate representation of what’s going to be happening today. My sister is moving (to a house right around the corner from us. Hooray!) and I am just cruising along behind, waiting to help her make everything pretty once she settles in.

I’m pretty useless when it comes to lifting heavy things, so PTL for family and friends who will help her with all the grunt work. I still can’t believe that she’s going to be our neighbor! The kids are psyched about having an aunt so close by. Donnie and I are thrilled about having a babysitter so close by! It’ll be good for my grandmother, too, to have another set of hands to help out with her needs.

So it’s happy day in my neighborhood,

a happy day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

(Did I just date myself or what? Anyone else remember Mr. Rogers???)

2 replies on “There Goes the Neighborhood”

  1. Kari,
    When I was a year old, my parents moved into the house my Mom still lives in. While they were waiting for the house to be finished, they lived in a tiny house across the street (with an irrigation canal between). Once the house was complete, my dad come home one day to find a trail of ants….all my older brothers’ and sister’s friends carrying small things (like lamp shades!) across the canal bridge from one house to another! 🙂

    And, just to date myself as well….my mom’s been in the houes 38 years now!

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