The Ease of Working from Home

(That headline is dripping with sarcasm, if you can’t tell. DRIPPING.) Sometimes, it takes me a full 24 hours to accomplish nothing. It’s 4:00pm and I have tried three times to sit down and get some work done at this computer. And three times, I’ve failed. The first time, I got sucked into Facebook for a few …

Working for It

Someone I greatly respect once said, “Everybody’s praying for a blessing, but it’s rare that money just falls into your lap. Sometimes getting a blessing means you’ve gotta put on your work boots and get dirty earning it.” That’s probably not an exact quote, but what he’s saying is so true. I’ve been pretty transparent about …

Happy Mothers Day

In honor of this special day dedicated to motherhood, I want to share a few favorite pics and links to a few Mother’s Day columns I’ve written through the years. Investing in Motherhood I wouldn’t be where I am today without all the lovely moms who’ve invested into my life. My mom and her mom, …