A First Homecoming

Sitting out under the stars, waiting for Eli’s homecoming dance to end, I feel completely out of place. Dozens of much older-looking teens mill about in their Sunday best, making me feel even less like I belong here. My son is just a freshman. Fourteen years old. He doesn’t look like these young adults yet. …

Ghastly Dreadfuls are Gloriously Grand

My teenagers thought it quite strange when Mom announced she was going to a puppet show for adults. Puppet show — for ADULTS? What? Now, I’ve taken my kids to the Center for Puppetry Arts enough to know that their productions have never disappointed us. Seeing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer has become an annual family …

Boo, y’all! Six Flags FrightFest!

Confession time: I felt a little apprehensive about taking four teenagers to FrightFest at Six Flags Over Georgia. I know that sounds weird, but the commercials make it look exceptionally dark and scary. The show descriptions online are quite…macabre. And then you find out that you can’t even exit the park without walking through what …

A Chance to Breathe Again

A month from today, something magical is going to happen–I will be able to breathe freely again! I wrote a few weeks back about the providentially improbable way I found out why I’d been wheezing and breathless for several years. Idiopathic subglottic stenosis is a narrowing of the trachea just below the vocal cords. So …