The Truth About Chronic Illness

A friend announced on social media this week that she has cancer. She prefaced her post by saying “I’m not sharing this for pity or sympathy, but to ask for prayer.” It bothered me that she even had to include that disclaimer. Have we become so insensitive to the sufferings of others that we’d assume …

Fed up with selfishness

I reached a breaking point today over selfish behavior, and I’m still not over it. I vented on Facebook this morning… “Been awake since midnight, my heart heavy over pain inflicted on loved ones by the utterly foolish, selfish acts of others. It’s just too much to write about here, but y’all…can we just be …

A Most Unlikely Diagnosis

If you’ve been around me in the past few years, you’ve probably noticed me wheezing. If you’re really close to me, you’ve surely noticed that I’m not as active as I used to be. I don’t go for walks anymore. I’m now one of those annoying people who will drive around five minutes just to …