

My home base is: east of Atlanta

Day to day I work as: a homeschooling mom, freelance writer, chief cook and bottle washer at The Apted Zoo

If I didn’t do this I would: have a little studio/office where I’d paint, craft and write for fun

Next year I will travel to: Uganda again, Lord willing

To me Sunday means: going to church, having a family dinner at the table, taking the kids to youth group and having a couple hours of alone time while they’re there

And I like to eat: at a Chinese buffet after church, but that only rarely happens

And I will get out of bed: at 8

And get dressed around: 10

And I will smile about: teaching Jonah’s children’s church class and getting hugs from his cute little buddies

And I just may daydream about: taking a long afternoon nap

And when Monday comes: I’m going to enjoy Labor Day off with my family!