SOOC Saturday: What Makes Me Happy

I don’t have any non-edited photos of Zach and Eli to share at the moment, and since this is Straight Out Of the Camera Saturday, I have to go with what I’ve just uploaded. Besides, my big boys know they make mama very, very happy! Except for when they burp in public and leave their underwear on the bathroom floor. Then, maybe not so much of the happiness.

Other things that make me happy are…

These little pink feet:

This sudsy smile:


And last, but certainly not least, just sharing everyday life with this goofball I’m married to:

And those reading glasses I’m wearing. They’re pretty spectacular, too. (Spectacular spectacles…heheheh.)

For more SOOC Saturday posts, go to Slurping Life.

4 replies on “SOOC Saturday: What Makes Me Happy”

  1. One more try…I love these baby shots! Absolutely, precious yummy adorable.

    Behind on my visits. Thanks for joining SOOC Saturday.

    If I spammed you with comments because I’m too slow to know mine are there somewhere, pick one and delete the rest. Thank you. 🙂

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