Where’s the shame?

Maybe one day I’ll get used to all the ins and outs of making this blog look cool. So far, I have to rely on Donnie for everything because I am THAT pathetically technologically challenged. But, look! My dear darling hubby came through for me again and posted (in moments, mind you) the picture I struggled to post for, oh, half an hour or so last night. You ladies can keep your football jocks and stud muffins…I’ll take my sweet computer geek over them any day!

Continue reading “Where’s the shame?”

I’m starting a Blog!

These photos were taken on Sunday, June 1, at the Scott family reunion atop Sand Mountain, Alabama. Never heard of Sand Mountain? Not many people have. It is quiet, peaceful farm country, and the family cemetery is located beside the church that was built on land my great-grandfather donated to the community.