Mellow Yellow Monday

Just doing something a little different this Monday by hooking up with Mellow Yellow Mondays. The object of the meme is to post a photo containing the color yellow.

I opened what I thought was my June 2011 folder, but accidentally opened June of last year! My heart ached a little when I saw how small Jonah still was. Here he is, 9 months old, in my laundry basket.

Of course, the color yellow is in the banana block and on my favorite cloth diaper cover that he’s wearing.

Time flies—oh how heart-breakingly fast it flies!

3 replies on “Mellow Yellow Monday”

  1. He seems to be pleading, “Rescue me from this basket!”


    Yellow’s the color I wear at dawn
    When dancing dewdrops spangle the lawn.

    Red is the color I wear at dusk
    When earth and sky are dry as a husk

    And nothing stirs—not even a wing
    Of bat or swallow or anything!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Kuan Yin Temple

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