Meet the Piscine Paul Walker

My sons’ 4-year-old betta fish, Tonya (a.k.a. Miss Fishie) finally entered the Heavenly Aquarium (via toilet) on the same day that Fast and Furious star, Paul Walker passed away.

My hubby and older sons enjoy the F&F movies, so they were upset to hear that Walker had died. The boys wanted to get a male betta this time, and thought it would be nice to name the fish after the actor.

So, we shuffled on down to the Petco, got a lovely blue and red crowntail betta, and freshened up the fish bowl with some new turquoise glass gravel.

Meet Paul Walker, Piscine Edition.


He’s a spunky little guy. Shall we say, fast and furious???


I think he’s every bit as pretty as the other Paul. Just in a different way… LOL!
