Cycling through December

If you’d like to know what my typical mid-December day looks like, here’s how it goes:

  • While opening the blinds in the morning, I see the stack of unopened Christmas cards on the table beside my chair.
  • I remember that they’re unopened because I wanted to make sure to keep the return address labels intact, so I can send cards back to these sweet people.
  • This reminds me that I have not yet ordered the photo of the kids to go inside the cards.
  • I head to the computer to upload said picture to Walmart so I can pick them up later today.
  • While waiting for the picture file to open, an email notification pops up. It looks interesting, so I click on it.
  • Reading it requires a reply, so I jot that and click “send”.
  • I see a Facebook notification beneath it that really captures my attention.
  • I click the link and read the post, then see an update from a friend that I’ve been waiting to hear.
  • Beneath that, I see a beyond-awesome, super-cool Christmas recipe linked to Pinterest, and I click on it.
  • An hour later, I get thirsty, come up from my Facebook/Pinterest-induced haze, go to the kitchen to make coffee, re-center the boys on their activities and swap a load of laundry.
  • Carrying the basket of clean clothes into the living room, I spot the stack of unopened Christmas cards on the table beside my chair and remember that I’ve still not uploaded the picture to Walmart.
  • I head to the computer to upload said picture to Walmart so I can pick them up later today, AND….

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

And nothing ever gets done except keeping up with the daily goings-on of a couple hundred people and filing away several dozen new craft, exercise and recipe ideas that I’m not likely to ever actually create.

Clearly, I need an intervention!

(But can you relate? Can I get an “Amen!” from anyone else reaching near-panic over the fact that it’s nine days til Christmas and hardly anything is done?)

christmas breakdown