Impromptu Picasso

Honestly, guys—this is my third child. You’d think that the third time around, I’d know that any odd noises (or total silence) is reason to stop working and find out exactly what my toddler is up to.

But for some reason, the Mom-Alarm didn’t go off when I heard a faint “scratch-scratch-scratch-scurry-scurry-scratch-scratch-scratch” earlier. But, it should have.

Because lil’ monster found a ballpoint pen. And of course, you know where this is going…

Aww. My little lefty made a little mural, right beside my living room chair.

I like how he thoughtfully pauses to see if it needs any more detail.

Then cheesily grins when he sees the camera and runs away in a blur. BUSTED!!!

…then pops back over to assess how much trouble he’s in.


I wonder where I put the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers? And will they even work on the crappy, cheap paint the moron we bought this house from slapped haphazardly on the walls?

Oh well. At least it isn’t a repeat of yesterday’s biohazardous diaper malfunction wherein I used half a jumbo tub of Clorox wipes to clean the “Mommy fed me too much fruit” trail he left through my dining and living rooms.

Note to self: investigate all suspicious noises (and silences) PRONTO! Because this youngest version of Allen-Apted 3.0  appears dedicated to mayhem.