I’m still here

I’ve not really blogged much this week, which is unusual, I know. It’s been one of those weeks that just zoomed right by…I can’t believe it’s Friday again already.

I got out of the house with the older boys a couple of days this week, while my mom kept the baby. I love having quality time with my big kids—sometimes I feel like they get lost in the chaos since Jonah was born.

Here are some pictures from our adventures.

Eli observing Koi…

He looks like a frog surveying his kingdom!

Reflections…I love these:

Meanwhile, Zach stands nearby, eating a roll of Smarties. He’s 12. He finds it torturous to go for more than an hour or two without eating something.

After the tie-dye craft we did at a nearby pavilion, we went to Dairy Queen. I had my favorite, a pineapple sundae.

And the boys enjoyed their chocolate-dipped cones.