I’m still around

And ROUND…Rounder than ever. Feeling big as a barn. About to pop. You name it: pick your favorite euphemism for being extremely pregnant and I’m feeling it.

Please forgive the dearth of posts between columns lately. With every extra ounce of water I retain, my sense of humor drops accordingly and I know you guys have better things to do than listen to me whine about how miserable I am.

Because truly, I could whine every waking minute of every day and still not fully express how uncomfortable the past month has been. And as someone who endured years of infertility and used to cry over pregnant women who were ungrateful enough to complain about their discomfort–I want to kick myself for sounding so negative.

It is a blessing to be in this condition, and I get weepy every time I think about finally holding this little guy. Heck, I cry at Pampers commercials, at magazine photos of chubby baby feet and velvety little heads. What a privilege to get to experience the baby stage of parenting again.

So, that’s where I’ve been and that’s where my mind is these days and I hope you understand! I am certain that if you have ever been 9 months pregnant (and you know it’s actually more like 10 months) you can relate.