I’m a Chick-fil-A Mom

CFA Mom Panel

Does this make me a moooover and a shaker now?

I was excited to learn the other day that I was selected to participate in this year’s Chick-fil-A Mom Panel!

Basically, this means that I’ll get to be among the first to hear about inside Chick-fil-A knowledge and happenings, and share these things with you guys. I’ll also share them on my social media networks, which I am currently working to expand. It also means that I get to network with an amazing group of moms who also love to “Eat Mor Chikin” while supporting an amazing, community-focused corporation that does a lot of good in this world!

So, stay toooooooned for future updates!

(And more cow puns, I’m sure. Because y’all know I can’t help moooooself.)

22 replies on “I’m a Chick-fil-A Mom”

  1. I love the graphic!! I will be using it for my blog post too! Thanks for making it available. Its my first year on the panel. First year doing these types of things period. It is so very excited.

  2. I am SO excited to be included as part of the Chick-fil-A Panel for 2015-16 again…it was a lot of fun last year and I am sure it will be again this year! Congrats to you!

    1. Thanks, and congrats on making the cut for another year! We “noobs” might have some questions for you along the way. 🙂

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