All Good Gifts

While looking for a picture this morning, this photo stopped me in my tracks.

Honey Jojo

That’s my baby Jonah, with my beloved grandmother, Honey, a few weeks before she died.


They used to have the most fantastic conversations.


And he was never afraid of her, as babies often are of much older people. Of course, Honey had a way of making everyone feel comfortably saturated in love.

I think babies know when they’re adored.


Like many third (and fourth or more) babies, the announcement of my pregnancy with Jonah was met with mostly lukewarm reception. I’ve found that, aside from the parents, the overall excitement for a second child is about half that of the first, and virtually non-existent for any children that follow.

But not my grandmother! She was thrilled about having another great-grandbaby.

And these pictures I stumbled across today show their mutual adoration so clearly.



My sweet Honey suffered so much in her last years on this planet. But oh, the joy she found in this new little life, and how he made her smile!

Actually, the last time she smiled this side of heaven was when we came to see her a day before she passed.


All I can think when I see these pictures now is what a good, loving Father God we serve, who delights in giving good gifts to His children.


Even the ones over 80. Maybe, especially to them.