Frugalicious Boutique Soap

I love a deal. I especially love things that are FREE!

I have a relative who travels a lot and often brings me shampoos and soaps from the hotels at which she stays. She is very persnickety about what she chooses — no cheap-o Dial soap here. She’s graced me with lots of lovely little bottles from Bath and Body Works and Crabtree and Evelyn. One of my favorite scents is this:

Crabtree and Evelyn’s Citron, Honey and Coriander. Yum, yum and YUM! I have the shampoo, conditioner and tiny bar soap. I use them on those nights when I want a little extra “somethin’-somethin'” in the shower, a break from my usual Dove products. But, sadly, the little bottles are only good for two showers at the most. And I want to enjoy that fragrance longer.

But check it out: on the C&E website, a bottle of hand soap in this fragrance is $22.00 before shipping!

Yeah, I love it, but I don’t love it enough to pay THAT much for one lil’ ol’ bottle of hand soap.

SO, brilliant domestic goddess that I am, I had an idea: how about refilling a foam hand soap dispenser with a trial-size shampoo bottle and fill the rest of it up with water?

It works, and how well it does! It leaves my hands so soft, and with that beautiful, lingering fragrance.

And it’s free. Did I mention the free part?

Remember this when you get down to that last bit of shampoo in the bottle. Just add about 7 ounces of water to each ounce of shampoo and voila — instant foam hand soap for pennies!

You’re welcome.