Frugal Finds

rimmel-mascara liquid_detergent_linen-lilies

You know it’s a slow 4th of July if I’m taking the time to blog about a few recent frugal finds, but hey…it is what it is. (More on that in tomorrow’s column.)

I love to save a few dollars when I can, but am on a tight budget so I’m often reluctant to spend our hard-earned cash on something that might not work. Unlike some people, I’m not overly brand-loyal, except on a few items. Until now, two of those were Tide laundry detergent and Almay waterproof mascara.

I just wasn’t in the mood to drop $10 on another tube of Almay the other day, so I started scouring the makeup aisles at Target to see what else I could find. When I saw this Rimmel of London 100% Waterproof Mascara for the bargain, non-clearance price of $2.24, I decided it was worth a try. I used it for the first time this morning and was MUY impressed.

You must understand that my eyelashes are virtually non-existent. I was dealt a horribly puny hand in the eyelash department, and besides the fact that they are short, thin and skimpy, they are also a lighter brown than the hair on my head. You’d think someone with naturally almost-black hair would have dark, visible eyelashes, but not me.  My eyes are a dark grayish blue, so without makeup, I quite resemble a beady-eyed rat staring at you, my eyes just two dime-sized dots lost in a wide, pale face. So good mascara is a must.

This Rimmel of London fit the bill. I had better coverage in fewer coats, gave me longer lashes and overall better results than the Almay that costs 4 times as much.

And when I was thinking about sharing that with y’all, I also thought it worth mentioning that my Tide addiction has been broken by Purex Laundry Detergent . I’d have never ventured to try it it if weren’t for this baby I’m carrying. We plan to cloth diaper the little guy (another frugal choice) and when I saw Purex Free & Clear recommended on many cloth diapering websites, I figured I should try it on the family’s laundry and see what I thought before I’m faced with cleaning a mountain of soiled diapers.

Again, I couldn’t be more impressed. Today I am wearing a white cotton shirt that I spilled yellow mustard on, then forgot to pre-treat before putting in the hamper. It finally got washed this morning and the stains are gone. It comes in yummy fragrances, like Linen and Lilies, Apple and Melon, Lilac and White Lavender. And it costs at least half what Tide goes for—and you can often find coupons, too.

So, it’s not the most interesting blog I’ve ever written, but if I can help others save a buck in this tight economy, I’m happy to share. Feel free to reply with any of your recent frugal favorites! Thanks!

One reply on “Frugal Finds”

  1. I love Purex! We have used it for years. I have thought about switching But all 3 of us have sensitive skin and Purex has never bothered us. So I figured I would stick with what works 😉 I’ll have to try the mascara. If I don’t wear anything else, I make sure I wear mascara and lipstick. If I can at least get those 2 on my face, I feel ok. KWIM?

    Take care my friend!
    It was great talking to you today!

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