Friday Fill-Ins

Wow, who’s guilty of big-time blog neglection? That would be me, I’m afraid.


It’s been a casual Friday here, with winter break from homeschooling and me nursing an inflamed hip joint. In other words, a perfect day to blog! And since it’s Friday, of course we’re due for another episode of Friday Fill-Ins accompanied by retro housewife humor ala Anne Taintor.


1. Paisley is one of my favorite patterns.
2. When you see a busy mom wearing a baseball cap or another type of hat it usually means that she missed her opportunity to shower and wash her hair!
3. Where is my living room floor hiding under all that clutter?
4. Is anyone else in total denial that next week, this month will end? (Wasn’t it just Groundhog Day???)
5. Sometimes, less is …simply more depressing! LOL
6. What condiment brings to mind childhood jokes about smearing your sandwich with off-colored poop?: Grey Poupon.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to taking my eldest to spend the night with his auntie, tomorrow my plans include baking and decorating a violin-shaped cake and coordinating cupcakes and Sunday, I want to go to church, deliver those cakes, stay to face paint at the party, then relax and put my feet up at home!