Friday Fill-ins

1. I am from the land of a dozen Peachtrees, Coca-Cola and hot summers with humidity so thick, it feels like inhaling molasses.

2. I am from the 1970’s sprawling, brick ranch suburbs, the red-doored dark brick house atop the hill, where the kids ran free through the neighborhood from morning til dark.

3. I am from the pine trees, hot-pink azaleas and exposed granite shoals, the white-blooming dogwoods, perfumed gardenias and gently rolling hills.

4. I am from long summer vacations  and sarcastic senses of humor, from Neil and Ninnah and Scotts, Allens, Carlyles and Sewicks.

5. I am from the stubborn, tough and fun-loving Scots, Irish and English and the stubborn, resolute, fun-loving Austrians.

6. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to dinner at Five Guys, tomorrow my plans include hanging out at the beach and Sunday, I want to enjoy being home once again!

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