Beautiful Morning

Today feels like a gift.

The weather is unexpectedly cool for July; cool enough at night that we slept with the windows open and they’re still open this morning. The most refreshing breeze is drifting inside; making it feel more like a September morning than the middle of summer. It just feels amazing!

And it is so quiet; so deliciously, extravagantly quiet. Why? Because my kids are at day camp. And that’s making Mama one happy camper! I get four whole days of silence this week, and I will probably not turn on the TV or the radio the entire time I’m alone.

Peace and quiet is such a gift; one that I feel I never get enough of. I know that 20 years from now, when all my kids are grown and out of the house, I’ll probably be lamenting that there is too much silence in my life. But at this stage in the game, when the quiet comes, it is one of the most precious, most soul-refreshing things of all. How peaceful to hear nothing but the birds chirping, and the tapping of my fingertips on the keyboard. I truly long to hear nothing else until later today, when my husband brings the children home and they fill me in on all the adventures they enjoyed at camp.

Thank you, Lord, for the gift of silence. Thank you for today.

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