Back in my kitchen

So, I haven’t blogged in weeks, which on these Interwebs is practically forever. It has been crazy-busy around here, with teaching crafts for a week at VBS, and catching a stomach bug two days later, which postponed our leaving for a week’s vacation in Florida by a whole day.

We got back from Florida last Saturday and I’ve been busy recovering from my vacation with all the kids, sans husband. That, my friends, is not for the weak of heart. Even though my sisters and parents were there, they’re not really in the trenches of child care the way the hubs and I are. So they helped, but it wasn’t that practically intuitive super-help that a kid’s own parent can provide, know what I mean? But overall, we had a nice time and it was just lovely. I’ll have to share a picture post soon.

Anyway, I’m back on track with dieting and exercising and just had to share this recipe, even though it will probably further cement the opinion of some that I am a total, complete weirdo. But if you enjoy a sweet/sour/spicy flavor profile, you will probably love this salad as much as I do.

I mean, I crave it. CRAVE it. Which is odd, because I usually only crave things really rotten for me, like Nutella or chicken biscuits.

Anyway, give it a try. Let me know what you think!

Sweet and Spicy Broccoli Salad

1 small apple, cored and chopped

Heaping 1/2 cup chopped raw broccoli

1 stalk celery, sliced

1/4 bell pepper (any color) chopped

2 tablespoons Kraft Light Catalina salad dressing

Sriracha or Tabasco hot sauce, to taste (I use a couple of generous splashes)

Mix it all together in a bowl, and dig in!


One reply on “Back in my kitchen”

  1. Sounds good – except for the hot sauce!! Not a fan! Your body probably needs the nutrients in this if you are craving it!

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