A Few Final Thoughts about Health Care

My pastor spoke briefly yesterday about the power of ones’ testimony, and I thought about the stories I’ve shared this month regarding the health care changes being proposed. I can’t say my stories are particularly powerful, or that reading them has changed anyone’s mind about anything. However, our experiences definitely changed my mind about how much I want the government in charge of my personal choices. My main intent in sharing these stories was to illustrate how frustrating and powerless it felt to be sick, to be in need of help, and have my choices severely limited by having to go through government-created pathways to healing (and that includes “healing” the rat situation).

I fear that many who are adamantly supporting HR 3200 have never personally experienced the realities of government-run health care. Most people have never had to wade through the VA or military health care systems. Most Americans have never had to access health care through another country’s socialized form of care. It seems that most get lost in the utopian idea of how wonderful it would be to get health care for “free”.  So when I was asked why I was so opposed to this thing that sounds so wonderful, I had to tell what I’ve seen with my own eyes, and how it led me to the conclusion that the proffered “solution” was not something I want for my family.

When I was going through those situations, I wondered if the stories would ever be useful for anything. I hadn’t begun my writing career yet—didn’t even know I was destined for one—but they were disturbing or incredulous enough that I had to journal about them. (Yes, before blogs, we kept handwritten thoughts in these blank books called “journals”.) LOL That is how I remembered the details after so many years.

I chose my “Reform or Deform” title for the series because it illustrates my biggest concerns: is this truly the reform we need—and we do need some changes—or is it the start of a permament deforming of our system, one that we may end up regretting yet be unable to get out from under?

I don’t have time at the moment to go into this much further, but I found so many fascinating tidbits of information online, including impressive statistics about the US’s cancer cure rates compared to the rest of the world. I’ve also been amazed at how, just within the past two weeks, the topic has simply exploded–there’s almost TOO much to read about it online.

Even so, I suppose my point in going there at all is to encourage others to research this topic. I think Americans have been too complacent in recent decades, too willing to just to open our mouths like blind little birds and accept whatever we’re being fed from Washington (and our state leaders). We have the freedom to research things for ourselves and speak out in favor of—or against—the things we believe in. We should never, ever take that right for granted.

2 replies on “A Few Final Thoughts about Health Care”

    1. I’m all for charts and graphs…I’d like to see some charts and graphs detailing exactly what Obama’s plan is going to end up costing the average American citizen. The man has been awfully vague for someone who ran on a promise of “transparency” in his administration. Even if they come forth with that information, I’ll admit, it will be hard to believe that any figures they project will actually come true. Many people much smarter than I have estimated costs and drawn the conclusion that a family’s annual cost savings will be negligible at best; and will most likely end up costing more than private insurance does now. Because if we aren’t paying it in insurance premiums, we will most definitely be paying it in higher taxes. And those of us who have been paying all along will have to accept reductions in care that we don’t experience now.

      One article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204683204574358233780260914.html

      I’m with Jon in wanting to see more facts and figures. One of my biggest gripes with the way the Obama administration has handled this is the sheer lack of concrete information. I’ll confess, as I did in my series: I don’t trust the government to handle this well, and the more vague they are with us, the less I trust them. I have personal experiences that have left me feeling that way, and no promises from politicians (political promises: that should be an oxymoron) are going to change that.

      The sad reality is that people are being denied coverage now, and they will still be denied coverage over the rationing that will and must come from turning healthcare into a giant government bureaucracy. That’s one reason I linked to the Whole Foods CEO’s opinion piece because he has real, concrete ideas on how to create reform with LESS government involvement. We need to hear more ideas like that, and need more politicians willing to give more than a second glance at them.

      I agree that it’s wrong to deny coverage based on preexisiting conditions or fail to renew a policy based on that. I may be overly simplistic in my viewpoint, but why can’t laws be changed to protect people without completely overhauling everything and forcing the rest of us into a system we do not want?

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