A Curse Within the Blessing

Our friend Doris watched the kids for me today while I went to an appointment. She and her husband are doing the South Beach diet, so after cleaning out her pantry of contraband goods, she gave me a couple of bags full of groceries that she thought the boys would enjoy.

Lots of good stuff, and a definite blessing for my little snackers.


Eli discovered that he loves Fiber One bars. He had one earlier, then confessed at dinner time that he’d eaten two more while I was out running errands tonight.

Say wha…???

Three Fiber One bars in a little tummy that’s not used to huge amounts of fiber…can anyone say “explosive diarrhea”?

It hasn’t struck yet, but I told him that if he feels like he needs to pass gas, don’t even risk it — just go straight to the toilet!

On a side note, my little guy Jonah just crashed into the wall because he draped a jacket over his face and couldn’t see where he was going. And instead of crying at the impact on his forehead, he laughed about it.

These boys are going to be the death of me yet! LOL

2 replies on “A Curse Within the Blessing”

  1. ROFL!!!! So funny!! I tried to tell the boys not to overdo the fiber one bars!! Hope Eli has a good night with no accidents!! HA!!! ROLLING with LAUGHTER at that kid!! He is a hoot!

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